AW Concussion Management

(215) 672-5050 x 262
The mission of the Archbishop Wood Concussion Management Team (AWCMT) is to ensure each student who is diagnosed with a concussion receives the best possible care that a Christian, academic-based, learning institution can provide. The AWCMT’s goal is to provide the resources necessary to help each student meet his/her academic requirements, based on the school’s philosophy and mission statement, and support each student as the student returns to his or her full pre-concussion potential. The AWCMT is taking a proactive approach to managing concussions in the school setting so that each student can resume his or her pre-concussion activities and lifestyle as soon as possible. Any questions or concerns about any of the information herein can be directed to the AWCMT by emailing [email protected] or by calling (215) 672-5050 x 262.
The AWCMT consists of:
- Administration (Don Mangin & Kathy Nobles)
- Guidance Department (Ashley Hauschild & Kristy Gallagher)
- Nurse (Sarah Colon)
- Learning Specialist (Elena Ghisu)
- Athletic Department (Susan O'Neill)
- Athletic Trainer (Chadd Spence)
The AWCMT works in conjunction with the teachers to assist each student in appropriately resuming his or her academic routine and workload. For questions regarding academic policies for students who have missed school because of a concussion, please contact the Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs.
All AWCMT policies are based on Pennsylvania law and on recommendations, rules and regulations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA), the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA), and the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS).